
Today’s mobile devices are smart gadgets having a variety of hardware sensors (e.g., gyro-sensor and accelerometer), leading developers to use such unprecedented types of sensoryinputs,thereby delivering feature-rich applications. Applications collaboratively sharing a virtual pool of hardware resources from other devices can be interesting, and this may open a new application development avenue, promoting mobile collaboration. It is however a daunting task for one mobile device to use(locally non-existing) hardware resources from other devices without platform-level support. CollaboRoid is a mobile collaborative platform, which supports cross-device resource sharing. CollaboRoid enables mobile devices to share hardware and software resources, leading to the development of mobile collaboration applications. CollaboRoid’s two key components, device management service and remote service, are implemented in the application framework layer of the Android stack. CollaboRoid's platform-level support for mobile collaboration provides a new possibility of the emergence of more active, more productive and more interesting collaborative applications with reduced development cost. The following are two example collaborative applications made possible by CollaboRoid's capability for heterogeneity support and power sharing.Our experimental results show the feasibility and usefulness of CollaboRoid in terms of latency and power consumption.

An example of new types of mobile applications: A tennis application is being executed(only) in a smart TV and each user enjoy the game using his/her own device as a tennis racket.
An example of power sharing using CollaboRoid: The device on the left with low battery can make use of the powerhungry GPS resource of a remote device on the right

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